WC Call For Price
For WooCommerce

WC Call for price plugin for WooCommerce is a WordPress and WooCommerce Plugin that is enables you to hide WooCommerce Price and show a button instead to your customers. It engages customer with you and increases customer conversion through one to one customer conversation with your sales team

Features of WC Call For Price

Enable Call For Price All Products

You can just enable call for price for all of your product with just checking a button. If you don’t need any rules to apply it is just as simple as that.

Call For Price for WooCommerce - Show on all products
WC Call For Price For WooCommerce - Empty Price Products

Enable Call For Price For Only Empty Price Products

If you want to show call for price for only products that does not have any price listed. You just have to enable this checkbox. WC Call For Price for WooCommerce will show a button instead of price for those products

Custom Text as Button Label

It is not mandatory that you have to show specific “Call For Price” as a text instead of your WooCommerce Price. You can show whatever you need to show. Like “Request Quote”, “Contact Us” or what else you need to show.

Use Preloaded Buttons

If you do not like to show text as it is just plain text without much design then you are in luck. We have added some preloaded buttons for you to choose from. You can choose from varied colors and design. Just select the radio button of any of it and and select the size of the button just below the form.

Upload Your Own Buttons Image

You will also have the option to upload your own custom image instead of showing plain text or preloaded images. Clicking the upload button will take your to media upload page to select a button image of your liking. After selecting the image don’t forget to set the size of the button just below.

Set Button Attributes

You can set custom button sizes from the admin dashboard. As every site is different we added a customizable size input option for you to meet your needs. You ca also set attributes like button title text from this panel

Out of Stock Settings

You can set to show “Call for price” for out of stock products. You can also select a minimum threshold product to be sure before your customers place any order. You can also use default WooCommerce stock minimum threshold.

Button Action

When customers in the website click on the button, you can set the option to redirect to a different page or a form page of your choosing. You can also select detailed actions like should it open in a new tab.